SET Information Services

End of day / Historical

Data service on end-of-day closing price, and index, including historical data of The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and Thailand Futures Exchange (TFEX).

Equity Market
End of day data
End-of-day securities data including closing price, key statistical information of each security, index and market trading categorized by investor types
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time-outline5.30 PM
Total return index (TRI) data and return on investment (ROI) by securities
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time-outline6.15 PM
Beta, a measure of security's volatility in relative to SET Index, data by securities
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time-outline6.15 PM
OAQ-Index weight and Tracker file
The constituents, weighting and corporate actions which affect weighting of each security in index.

Index weight available: SET, SET50, SET100, SETHD, SETTHSI and sSET
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time-outline6.15 PM
OAQ-Security Profile
Profile of securities to be traded on the next trading day
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time-outline6.30 PM
Daily NVDR securities and trading information
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time-outline11.30 PM
PSIMS-Broker Trading
Daily trading information of each member (broker) at market level
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time-outline6.45 PM
PSIMS-Foreign Limit
Daily Foreign Shareholding information
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time-outline11.30 PM
PSIMS-Major Shareholder
Major Shareholders and percentage (%) of free float information
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time-outline11.30 PM
OAQ-Voting & TreasuryStock Data
Number of voting stocks and data of treasury stocks information
globalPlease contact SET
time-outline5.45 PM
End of day data including Historical data
Historical data of trading price, news, financial statement and information of SET-listed companies, since SET operation (1975)
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time-outline11.30 PM
Historical information of daily trading since SET operation (1975)
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time-outline6.15 PM
Historical information of news and financial statement of listed companies since SET operation (1975)
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time-outline11.30 PM
Listed companies information since SET operation (1975)
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time-outline11.30 PM
Security details including information such as corporate action, name change and shareholders’ data, since SET operation (1975)
globalPlease contact SET
time-outline11.30 PM
Derivatives Market
End of day data
End-of-day information of Futures and Options including closing price, key statistical information of each series and market trading categorized by investor types
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time-outline6.30 PM
End of day data including Historical data
Historical data of trading price of TFEX, since TFEX operation (2006)
globalPlease contact SET
time-outline11.30 PM