Group 16553
Group 16157

Deposit/Withdrawal/Transfer/Pledge Revocation of Securities Without Securities Certificate Securities deposit

Securities deposit
A securities holder who wants to deposit securities in the scripless system can do so by contacting a depositor participant and following the procedures outlined below:

Contact depository participant

Contact depository participant

The securities holder gives the securities certificate with the holder’s signature on the back to the depository participant, along with supporting documents required by the securities issuer's registrar.

Depository participant

Depository participant

The depository participant submits an application form for securities deposit specified by TSD, along with a signed copy of the securities certificate and other supporting documents prescribed by the securities issuer's registrar. The deposit will become valid once TSD has updated and recorded the depository participant's account.

Securities withdrawal
A securities holder who has deposited securities with a depository participant and wants to withdraw and have a new securities certificate issue can do so by following the procedures outlined below:

no1Contact depository participant
 The security holder contacts the depository participants to request the withdrawal of securities and the issuance of a new securities certificate
no2Depository participant submits a request for securities withdrawal
 using the TSD form, along with the supporting documents required by the securities issuer's registrar.
no3Securities registrar issues new a securities certificate
 The securities registrar will issue a new securities certificate in the name of securities holder based on the number of securities withdrawn after receiving the request for securities withdrawal and issuance of a new securities certificate from TSD.
no4Obtain the securities certificate
 The certificates must be obtained by the depository participants within the time frame specified by TSD.

Pledge of securities

A security holder can contact the depository participant with whom the holder has deposited securities to pledge the securities through the TSD’s electronic system


Revocation of a pledge of securities

A securities holder can contact the depository participant with whom the holder has deposited securities to revoke the pledge of securities through the TSD’s electronic system


Securities transfer in the scripless system

A securities holder who wants to transfer securities deposited with a depository participant can do so directly with the participant.