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Acquisition and disposal reports for NVDR holders
  Report of acquisition or disposal of NVDR and underlying shares (if any) : Form 246-2-NVDR  

July 23, 2024 : Form 246-2 CFARM
July 19, 2024 : Form 246-2 CK
July 19, 2024 : Form 246-2 CFARM
July 18, 2024 : Form 246-2 CFARM
July 17, 2024 : Form 246-2 CFARM
July 3, 2024 : Form 246-2 FSX
April 3, 2024 : Form 246-2 AEONTS
February 20, 2024 : Form 246-2 CK

Preliminary Data* - The form is being verified and/or incomplete.


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